Monday, 14 October 2013

One day there were two bulls in a paddock...

Have you heard this tale before? Although crude with a good touch of humour, the message is what's important. 

Rather than two different bulls, think one in the same... You as the young bull AND you as the old bull. Too cryptic? 

Imagine both the young and older version of yourself meeting in that paddock one day...

What would you ask your 40, 50, 60, 70... year old version of yourself when in your late teens or early 20's? You could guess they would all have a few things to say.

The purpose of this blog is to capture what would the old bull say to the young bull of today. 

It may help to define what is meant by an old and young bull first but expect this to evolve as my thinking does overtime. Yes, as this bull ages.

An old bull is a wiser, less sporadic bull with a few scars as remnant of lessons learned and with hopefully a few accomplishments.

A young bull is almost the opposite. However dependent on upbringing to date, may have any varied level wisdom, more sporadic just out of youthful ability and scars that have either healed quickly with youth or fresh. Either way, bearing a mark with possibly not the lesson along with it.

Do not take this blog to be misogynous by the use of the term bulls as the alternate is not usually a flattering one for women. "What did the old cow say?!".

The aim of these blogs is to share lessons in leadership with the perspective from an empathising from an old and young bull. The intent is to fuel comments from readers to add to the lessons.


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